# Nightkin, creatures of the night and friends to Voidsent. The Nightkin are akin to Reapers, creating mutually beneficial pacts with Voidsent to obtain fresh Aether from living creatures. Able to Morph their forms to suit their Needs.
E'liza MoonNSFW

content warning E'liza has experienced great amounts of trauma in her younger years. most events are fuelled and reflections of experiences I have personally went through. Self harm, Sexual Assault, and Scenes of violence will be found on this page, I will attempt to provide a TW whenever necessary!
Art * by Jinglestan

the laws
please read the following before attemping to interact!
out of character Hello! I am Miomu the owner of E'liza, Raider, Roleplayer, Writer, Programmer, and Mod Maker! Its nice to meet you and I hope that if you're deciding to read this profile you enjoy the effort I've put into it! I'm a unique person in that I simultaneously am extremely cursed but also horrifically traumatised! I'm not going to share my triggers or anything but I will say:
I wont hesitate to tell you to piss off, but if you're reading this honestly I think we'll get along just fine!
tagging & discretion If I am making an effort to trigger tag and politely ask permission when interactions escalate, I expect you to do the same. Simply asking "Are you okay with x/y/z" or even a link to a /c/ will work fine! Make decisions at your own discretion and think reasonably/responsibly before making your move on E'liza. Where do you stand in her radar, if combat is involved are you outwardly a threat to her? easy things to consider, easy to forget!
interactions I participate in Casual, Long term, Combat, Erotic, and Dark roleplay. I am more likely to follow the motions and energy you set out (One sentence posts vs paragraphs for example) so if you interact and are looking for detailed roleplay, be sure to put that same effort in! I dislike moving roleplay to Discord or external apps but I am happy to add friends and chat in those services! Just no RP out there. Remember: IC =/= OOC.
dynamics E'liza is an extremely dominant character, for reasons you've learned (Or will learn) in other sections of this page, she struggles to form trust with others, often brushing people off as jokes or entertaining them as a lesser until they can prove their worth as a social partner or accomplice (Or conclude they should be kept as lesser). If you are the kind of woman who resonates a comforting/safe aura E'liza is likely to feel more secure around you, becoming willing to open up and let her guard down.
OOC. 28 years old. She / Her.

brief A Miqo'te of crescent moons, bound to her voidsent allies and deemed "Nightkin" by her peers. A vampire as defined in childrens literature, but thirsting for Aether instead of the blood of the unsuspecting. Eliza fancies herself to be the queen of the underworld, exuding charisma and confidence, using that power to manipulate those around her to avoid getting her own hands dirty whilst seeking a feast.

a collection
of documents about a particular person, event, or subject.
the basics
full name E'liza Moon.
years old 29.
pronouns She/Her/It.
gender Female/Minor Shifting.
orientation Lesbian/Femme oriented.
nationality Gridanian.
species Miqo'te.
residence Ul'dah.
I wanna make my murder look like a suicide
positive trait
positive trait
positive trait
concerningly aware.
positive trait
Villain complex.
negative trait
negative trait
Violent tendencies.
negative trait
Second personality.
negative trait
Villain complex.
the looks
skin tone Ashen grey.
hair color Void black.
hair style Messy mid length flow.
eye color Ruby red.
scent War-torn leather + ylang.
height 4'8".
weight None of your business.
physique well curved, deceptively strong.
complexion Soft skin, smooth crystal.
mental Sharing her mind with another.
notable features A large floral tattoo hugging the right side of her form, depicting butterflies and hummingbirds intertwined with the flora. Two twisted horns of black bone protruding from just above her hair line, accenting the two distinct fangs resting on her lower lips. Visible damage as her skin is seemingly peeling away on her arms, revealing a crystalline structure below. Two round scars on her neck surrounded by visible extending blood vessel damage. Two black curved piercings on her nipples with arrowhead cap pieces. wardrobe Usually wearing high waisted dresses or outfits designed to accentuate her chest and hips/thighs, flexing an outgoing personality whilst also remaining comfortable. miscellaneous Often seen with a cigarette, the smoke reveals her extra eyes at a glance, but they are impossible to focus on.

"You're just going to lie there? that sounds kind of boring.""Not at all." she said, stroking the others hair "I get to hold you, listen to you breathe, and think."she yawned "Think about what?""the life leaving your eyes."
# voidsent
the history

Coming soon!lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. cras porta nunc vel dolor auctor tempus in bibendum nulla. aliquam laoreet sem dapibus, bibendum dui eget, facilisis felis. aliquam nulla nisi, pharetra eget ex vitae, hendrerit auctor enim. morbi sit amet viverra urna. praesent nisi lorem, tincidunt vitae elit ut, elementum facilisis tortor. ut blandit egestas ornare. nam vel turpis porttitor, egestas augue vitae, pulvinar dolor. phasellus euismod neque sed eros bibendum, vitae venenatis orci aliquet. nunc et volutpat ligula. curabitur maximus, ex vel tincidunt dictum, ex mi dictum nibh, a consectetur quam leo a massa. in a porttitor urna, eu euismod justo. proin sit amet lectus et eros malesuada ultricies. in luctus ipsum vitae leo ultricies, id rhoncus justo aliquam. suspendisse fermentum commodo justo, a fermentum sem. donec lobortis sem et arcu eleifend egestas. sed at iaculis mauris, rutrum commodo velit. mauris et mauris eget purus dapibus euismod. curabitur volutpat, tellus a consectetur luctus, magna quam semper tellus, eget suscipit leo libero at augue. nam nec mauris quis sapien mattis efficitur. nulla efficitur odio metus, sed blandit nunc porta vel. donec tortor nibh, vehicula sed mi ac, semper posuere dui. duis justo erat, eleifend eu libero nec, dictum ullamcorper risus. proin id pulvinar orci, id dictum nisi. integer viverra diam id lorem pharetra ultricies. nam semper pellentesque massa, sed ornare mi. sed commodo maximus dapibus. nullam id fringilla nunc. nullam urna erat, posuere id risus at, interdum sagittis justo.mauris aliquet sit amet arcu et suscipit. sed consequat ligula ac erat malesuada, vitae interdum sem accumsan. quisque eu nulla et sapien laoreet auctor a commodo dolor. integer interdum tempor lectus vitae laoreet. praesent fringilla, leo in faucibus tincidunt, justo diam malesuada mi, a tempor ex est vel lorem. etiam sollicitudin egestas nunc sit amet blandit. nullam consectetur lectus ultrices nunc luctus, nec mattis ligula dapibus. nullam ex arcu, convallis ornare diam eu, ultricies tristique dui. nulla fermentum tristique justo porta tincidunt. nullam volutpat neque libero, vel lobortis tellus posuere ac. cras vel nibh quam. suspendisse ultricies feugiat interdum. vestibulum vel tincidunt eros, sit amet rhoncus magna. suspendisse malesuada vitae risus non iaculis. nulla facilisi. cras pretium velit mauris. morbi pretium nunc in urna varius imperdiet. praesent finibus vel orci et commodo. donec quis velit auctor, maximus mauris a, facilisis urna. class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. nulla consectetur orci tortor, nec finibus turpis cursus convallis. curabitur vel magna mi. mauris porta lacus mauris, id condimentum lectus convallis a. sed aliquam sodales arcu, ac feugiat ex ullamcorper nec.
the end

a photography method
exclusively used within the MMO final fantasy xiv.